Bullish Model Protocol (BAND) worth prediction ranges from $1.019 to $2.930.
Evaluation means that the BAND worth may attain above $3.
The BAND bearish market worth...
Bullish Stargate (STG) worth prediction ranges from $0.3512 to $1.245
Evaluation means that the STG worth may attain above $1.24
The STG bearish market worth prediction...
Bullish EGLD worth prediction ranges from $60.74 to $62.80.
EGLD worth may additionally attain $50 this 2023.
EGLD’s bearish market worth prediction for 2023 is $38.32.
Bullish WOO value prediction ranges from $0.3134 to $0.3245.
WOO value may additionally attain $0.5 this 2023.
WOO’s bearish market value prediction for 2023 is...
Bullish Ethereum Identify Service (ENS) value prediction ranges from $8.14 to $28
Evaluation means that the ENS value would possibly attain above $18.26
The ENS bearish...